Sunday, February 17, 2019



VNET (Virtual Network Protocol)
VNET is a virtual protocol which manages multiple physical network protocols. When opened with an IP address, VNET determines if the host can be reached directly on one of its physical networks. If it can, a session on that network is opened. If it can not be directly reached, an ERR_XOBJis returned.
VNET sits above pairs of network protocols (one per interface) and ARP protocols. When opened with a remote IP address, VNET compares the net number with that of its lower protocols to determine if the host can be reached directly on a local network, opening the appropriate interface protocol (if possible.)
If opened with an IP broadcast address, VNET will determine which networks are matched by the broadcast address and will open a lower session on each of those networks. A push on a VNET broadcast session will result in a push on all of these lower network sessions.
Use of the IP broadcast address will result in a VNET session which broadcasts on all of the local networks.
VNET is in the ASYNC realm.

VNET removes a pointer to an IPhost from the top of the stack of the remote participant. Only the remote participant is processed. New participants are created for opening the lower network protocols.

How to Get Free Internet (Legally)

It’s not too hard to find free wifi in most towns. Whether it’s your local library, a cafe, a hotel lobby, or even at the nearby McDonald’s, there’s usually a free wifi hotspot somewhere nearby. But what if you could get free internet access in your own home?
With so many households taking it for granted that we have to pay for internet service, the idea that you could have the internet at no cost to you might be surprising. After all, a “good deal” on an internet package might start at $40 per month, with some monthly plans soaring into the triple digits. And for some people wanting to make money from home, even $40 per month just isn’t in the budget.